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Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day to one and all!

What does our Valentine's Day have in store for us? Well, I am just happy that the first words out of my husband's mouth this morning was "Happy Valentine's Day" with a kiss to follow. You have to realize that my husband never remembers things and if he does, it is usually towards the end of the day. For him to even remember this holiday, first thing in the morning, is a Valentine's Day gift beyond any other.

Okay, I have to admit that I would like a small token of his love. I know he already has a card but I am curious if anything else is in store. As I watch people in the office get their dozens of roses, I wonder if he would actually do that. Well, I know he would - he has sent me roses and flowers before but would he do that on this day of all days? I would be surprised if he did but hen again, I love surprises.

So, what do I have in store for him. No card - those just get tossed in the garbage a day later. *smile* I am planning on cooking him a different and great meal tonight for dinner and maybe a big red bow on his present. What is his present? I'm not telling! *wink*



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