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Thursday, April 13, 2006

Low Grade Fever

Sure, we are supposed to leave for sunny Florida this afternoon when Greg tells me this morning that he is going to call Anne Marie. What? Why do you think you should call your lung transplant coordinator?? When this is said, it is usually something not good - not good at all! He goes on to tell me that he has been running a low grade fever since Tuesday morning of nothing more than 99.5 degrees F and his lung functions are good though.

Panic struck in my heart but I remained calm. Of course, I let him have it about not telling me sooner. Our plane leaves at 4:30pm and you tell me now? After he apologized and told me that he didn't want to worry me, he sent off his lung function tests to the hospital from his spirometer, called his transplant coordinator to leave a message, and even emailed her as well. We are leaving no stone unturned in this!

No, there really is no need to panic at this point. The low grade fever can be from a number of things that we were able to come up with this morning:
  1. When he went to take his pills last night, he noticed 1 Tacrolimus (Prograf) pill stuck in the case from Monday that he most likely did not take.
  2. He hasn't been checking his blood sugars.
  3. He hasn't been drinking a lot of water over the last few days and most certainly is dehydrated to some point.

Then there are the weather changes in the Midwest and the fact that he has been running around trying to get ready for our vacation to Florida. We doubt it will cancel our trip but, if anything, the transplant coordinator may either have him just keep an eye on it, change his medications a little, or put him on an oral antibiotic for a few days. Of course, there is still that 1% chance that our trip will be cancelled but, we are focusing on the 99% instead.


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