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Thursday, March 23, 2006

Go to the gym? Again?

We were just at the gym last night and yet my wonderful husband calls from work to ask me how I am feeling. Instantly, I knew something was up. So, I snickered and told him "fine" in a very inquisitive voice. A small laugh came from under his breath and he said "that's good", with a long pause. Then it comes - "do you want to go to the gym tonight?" What? We were just there last night and you are asking me if I want to go again. Now, being the Philosopher that I am, I automatically looked at the word "want" and had to laugh out loud. Since when do people really "want" to go to the gym? It is more like a necessity. You know, when your pants refuse to make it past your hips without having to wiggle around, when you notice that your breasts are heading south for the winter and it is spring, when cords are on sale and you look the other way and try to not think of the fire that may start, and so on.

Yes, as you can tell, I used to be heavy at one time and can easily remember many of those moments. Okay, in all honesty, I am not afraid of the cords anymore but those other things are still a reality at times. (laugh) But, that in no way means I "want" to go to the gym. It is snowing out again, I have been sitting at the desk all day and my back hurts, and I am sure I can come up with a million more reasons why I don't "want" to go to the gym if you just give me 5 minutes. (smile)

Does that mean that I wont go? Not necessarily. You see, in 3 weeks I will be in Florida for a few days, visiting family. Most of the women in my family are very much overweight and so a little size 4 me shouldn't even think I need to get in shape or lose weight before seeing my family. Alas, there is a tricky part - you see, my family is Italian and I will have the opportunity to eat ALL of my favorite things growing up within a short 4 days. That means that I am either not going to fit in my pants when I get back from vacation (and work out a ton afterwards) or I have to go down there with loose pants. Which is the lesser of two evils?



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