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Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Eating and Nutrition

Why is it that we, as humans and Americans, so easily forget what is right and what works in our lives? We easily go on diets and within a short period of time, the New Year's resolution is long forgotten. Why? Simply, we are taught that easy is okay and that using food as a crutch is okay as well. Life is fast and food is faster. Americans eat so fast that I doubt they even taste the food that they eat.

Now, I am far from perfect and have a lot of work to do on my own but I have to say that it irks me. The problem is that we so easily forget that food is to be enjoyed and it is something that we need in order to live. It is not something that we should abuse and, unfortunately, a good portion of the population does abuse it. Why is this so important to me? It is very near and dear to my heart because 4 years ago, Greg was very ill and could only eat a low sodium and healthy diet. We both ate so much healthier and he felt better and I lost a ton of weight.

Now he has new lungs and I have less stress. You would think we would continue the healthier eating pattern but, that is far from the truth. Tonight I watched him consume a ham and cheese grilled sandwich, banana chips, chocolate milk, and a granola bar for dinner. Within the last couple of minute, he sat down with a hand full of jelly beans. This is how a man, who has steroid induced diabetes is eating and it is just not good. For me, today was the first day I ate healthier than normal but I even managed to squeeze in an ice cream bar. You know what? I ate that ice cream so fast that I didn't enjoy it as much as I could. Even during my consumption of it, I was thinking of what I could eat next.

So, now I am irked and feel like throwing all the bad food out of my house. But, I realize that it is not through deprivation that success will occur. Instead, it is through sheer will power and the realization that it is more painful to be fat and tired all the time then it is to be healthy and full of energy. It is not the destination but the journey that matters and it we need to take this journey slowly in order to be successful over a life long learned behavior.



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