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Sunday, March 19, 2006

On a Rush

Have you ever been on the go so long that at the end of it, you start thinking "What now?" The rush is far from over and you just look around feeling a bit bored and having nothing left to do. Well, there are a ton of things to do but I mean something fun. It is amazing how much you can do when you aren't worried about your health but rather living in the moment.

We did the normal chores stuff but then there was the dog park and spending time with my wonderful husband. This was the first weekend in a long time that we spent time together rather then spending money together. Alas, with medical problems comes medical bills. We have been very blessed with great insurance but there are those out of pocket expenses that come up. For the first time in a long time, we pushed all that aside and just enjoyed life. Of course, hiking through ankle high mud in a wooded dog park will definitely get your mind off everything - since you are too busy thinking about where to step so you don't fall into the mud face first! The dogs didn't care and we all took in the fresh air - with deep breaths that Greg could not take a year and a half ago.

So now what? Enjoy life - too its fullest. Taking into account what you do have rather than what you do not have. Realizing that every moment is a miracle that should be cherished and that life does not promise any one person in this world tomorrow. Live, love, and laugh!



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