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Friday, April 07, 2006

Post Transplant Check Up

Every 3 months, Greg has his post transplant follow-ups at the transplant clinic at UW-Madison. This past Monday, he got to spend his day off getting a battery of tests to make sure that everything is working as it should. Sure, we are concerned about chest x-rays and the sort but his blood work is always the thing that leaves us on pins and needles. Of course, the test results take forever and you get them back little by little, which makes the whole process seem even longer. We are truly blessed though because Greg's main anti-rejection drug, Tacrolimus (Prograf), came back at a "5". That means that he is perfect at this stage since they want that level to be anywhere from a 5-8. Besides that, it seems his kidneys are still doing very well since his Creatinine level came back at 1.3. This is also very good since his normal levels have always been around 1.1. the Creatinine level tells the doctors how well the kidneys are flushing out the toxins in the body - the higher the levels, the more toxins that are in the body. For "healthy" people, the range is from .9 to 1.0, so Greg's kidneys are able to hold their own - even with 14 or so medications a day!

Overall, it was a great visit with a highly positive outcome. We pray that all his future visits go as smoothly!


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