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Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Vacationing Sick

Greg had started our 4-day long vacation to sunny Florida with a low grade fever of 99.5. Upon contacting the transplant hospital, they put him on Cipro immediately and told him to continue to watch his spirometry numbers in the morning and night as well as his temperature. Ironically, the whole time he was in Florida, his temperature was the same or normal and it was then clear that we could sit back and enjoy our vacation.

This does not mean we threw caution to the wind and forgot the normal regiment. Among our luggage was his spirometer, blood pressure machine, thermometer, glucose meter, and more than a week's worth of his pills. Since it was only 4 days, he decided to not lug his air compressor, nebulizers, and Pulmozyme on the trip as well. That was part of his normal daily regiment but one that wasn't harmful if he missed a few days.

We didn't miss all the machines one bit. No oxygen tanks, no air compressor, and not having to worry about whether or not he would get short of breath. Sure, it was hot down in Florida and we weren't used to it but we knew when the heat had won and would quietly retreat into the house or a building for some much needed air conditioning. That does not mean that we did not enjoy ourselves. Quite to the contrary, we had a blast! Greg got to golf 3 days out of the 4 and I got to shop and much needed time with my family - whom I have missed a great deal given that I am more that 900 miles away from my closer living relative at this moment.

Now it is time for us to rest. Rightfully so, my wonderful husband decided last minute to take the day off and rest. He is still getting over the low grade fever or cold he has so rest is much needed. It just isn't worth it to stress yourself out, trying to get everything done. The body needs time to recuperate and after everything we have done over the last 4 days, our bodies deserve it.



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