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Saturday, May 13, 2006

A New Angel

Jennifer was just 21 years old and loved by all. Her aunt recalls her as: "My dear, sweet, perfect, angel..." Alas, Jennifer passed away from Cystic Fibrosis (CF) on Friday, May 12th, at 9:40pm. She was awaiting a double lung transplant and was on a ventilator and too sick when a pair became available.

It is a very sad moment when I learn about the loss of yet another person fighting against CF. My sister-in-law, Diana, was only 16 years old when she passed from the disease and I couldn't imagine what my husband nor his parents went through during that time. Since meeting Greg in 1995, I have become an advocate to fight against this disease and, sadly, I have lost a great deal of friends to this killer. Most were either teenagers or young adults. Most had never had a chance to fully live and yet they are called back to heaven so quickly.

Yes, I could curse God for these people being taken but what good would that do?I have learned the truth a few years ago about death and even though my heart is saddened, I cannot help but smile. You see, what is better than everlasting life? I often tell people that if my wonderful husband would be called home during an early age, I would mourn because I am human but I would rejoice (and be somewhat jealous) in the fact that he would be able to meet God face to face and live truly free. No earthly burdens and no diseases to fight - just a chance at true life. And yet, I would be stuck on this Earth - having to live out my days among materialism, disease, pain, anger, and so on.

I know it seems a strange way of looking at death but in all honesty, I know in my heart and soul that it is the truth. Since we have already looked death in the face, we have seen that there is more than what our mind can comprehend. No, we aren't any holier-than-though, cult-going, Bible-thumping, off-the-wall freaks. We are simple human beings that just understand in a higher order and live our lives as best we can - to help others and learn for the short time we are on this Earth.


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