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Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Normalcy After Transplant

Nearly a year and a half post-transplant and we have finally had our first "real" weekend together. No, it isn't what you think - it was our first normal weekend and it seemed like it went on forever! We not only took care of our normal chores but we also went out to make our house more into a home. You have to understand that for the couple of years that we have lived in this house, we did hardly any decorating at all - especially the outside. This weekend we bought some hanging planters and did some much needed outdoor maintenance.

It was a great experience to be free to do what we wanted and, for the first time, just enjoy being home. Sure, life needs to be lived but sometimes we need to just sit back and unwind. It is called "enjoying the moment" and understanding that it is okay to "be" rather than to "do". We don't need to go out and spend lots of money, occupying our time with material items and entertainment. It is more of just enjoying the moment with each other and doing what makes us happy. This weekend was one of those moments in time when we spent a great deal of time together and talked for hours on end; like we used to. There is nothing in this world to compare to the feeling of being connected with each other and everything around you rather than being enveloped in medical junk. Sweet freedom never felt so good.


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