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Monday, May 01, 2006

Severed Ties

I couldn't believe it! This weekend I was met with an email that stated that my posts were to be put on review. For those that don't know, I belong to two online mailing lists that support certain causes - one of them was for cystic fibrosis and another for lung transplant patient. It was the latter that said that all of my future posts were put on review because they thought I wasn't staying within their rules for advertising. Quite frankly, a friend of mine finally received her lung transplant and I was remarking about how inspirational she was that she bought some of my products that stated "Organ Donation Saved My -- Life" before she even received the transplant. Marketing? Advertising? I think not! I was just amazed by her ability to believe so highly that she was going to get her transplant that she bought items stating that her life was already saved when, indeed, she was still waiting for her miracle transplant.

So, why am I going on like this on my own blog? Well, because it has to do with the ability to severe ties to your past. I had been on this list for 10 years and for quite a few months, I started to get the feeling like I am supposed to leave the list. God was putting it in my heart to move on to other things in my life as the list was no longer needed. Since I failed to listen to God, He had to give me a bigger sign - it is called hitting me upside the head with a billboard! This incident was that action - it was to solidify the fact that our lives have moved past the need for this board and it was adding nothing to my life. If I weren't to severe the ties, the ties would severe themselves. Plain and simple. When you don't hear God, sometimes He needs to make it quite clear of what he wants you to do. This was one of those times and, quite honestly, I am not really that upset about unsubscribing from that mailing list. It is more of a peaceful feeling. Of course, I can say that now because I have gone through it but when you are in the middle of going through it, it can be one of the most difficult and energy draining times in your life.


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