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Friday, April 21, 2006

Reenter the Fever

Some time during the afternoon, Greg got very hot and sweaty. It was just a few minutes but it signaled the end of his fever. From that point onward, he was a nice 98 degrees for the rest of the night. Unfortunately, the celebration didn't last. This morning he awoke with yet another fever of over 99 degrees and we made sure it was a long time since he had gotten up and showered.

Needless to say, the transplant hospital wants to keep tabs on this low grade fever. So, the transplant coordinator called up the local hospital and sent Greg over for a couple of chest x-rays and a sputum culture. We have yet to hear back from them as to the results and are anxiously keeping our fingers crossed in the meantime.

While we wait, my cold continues to taunt me. I will be fine for a couple of hours and then sick as a dog again for a few more. We aren't sure what is plaguing our family but, whatever it is, it is not welcome!



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