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Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Strength through Adversity

What was seeming to be a great day yesterday morning turned out to truly get on my last nerve. Sure, I am a strong person and I have helped my wonderful husband through a terminal illness and a lung transplant but, some things in life never change. The strength that you have can easily be taken from you if you are not careful. That is what happened to me.

My childhood was not the best in this world as my mother left us when I was not even 3 years old. Although she was to have visitation rights, she would often call about an hour after she was to show, stating that she was not showing up. It was heartbreaking! This continued throughout my life and when I was a teen, I stopped the visitations all together and decided to see her when I would see her. Needless to say, yesterday she called to say she was in the area and heading up to see me. It was still early morning and around noon she called to tell me it was raining out and because of that, she decided to head back home. What? I am 32 years old and she did it again! You would think that I would easily get over it but given that this has been happening for 28 years now, my energy just got sapped and my strength was once again gone.

Sure, I know that people cannot do something to you unless you allow them. It is just that I haven't seen my mother since my wedding day - 7 years ago! You would think that she would want to see her daughter enough to not care about some rain. Come on now! It was rain! If it were that she was sick or something happened and she needed to head home, I would be fine with it.

As you can see, my strength is still not back. It is amazing to me because I have been able to overcome trial and adversity, become an accomplished woman, help my husband fit through his disease, months on a ventilator, and even a double lung transplant never took all of my energy. Yet, my mother, another human being, was able to suck is dry with one phone call. Somehow, some way, I need to overcome this and learn to not let this get the best of me... to learn that I am truly strong - no matter what!


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