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Sunday, October 31, 2004

Happy Halloween!

Well Halloween for Milwaukee has come and gone. The culture shock still resides for me though. Yes, I have had Halloween and Trick or Treating but Milwaukee is just... er... messed up! (laugh) You see, in New York, Trick or Treating was always on Halloween (Oct. 31st) but in Milwaukee, it is the Sunday before Oct. 31st. Today was a treat for these kids because it happened to fall on a Sunday but still... come on... having Halloween a week or so before Oct. 31st is just plain wrong. (laugh) And to top it off, the kids have certain hours (1pm-4pm) that they are allowed to go Trick or Treating in the area. What??? It isn't even dark out yet! How scarey is that???I am curious though - how many variations are there our there on Halloween? I am just not used to this. After 6 years of being in this state, you think I would - but at 4pm, I sadly shut off my porch light (even though it was not even dark out yet - signal for the kids) and put the rest of the candy away. As I gazed out of my front window, into the sun-lit sky, I could not help but think about all the cool Halloween Trick or Treating that is still going on in New York... I hope the kids in my family enjoy the next 5 hours they have left to Trick or Treat and realize how lucky they are - for the kids in Milwaukee truly don't know the meaning of Halloween.For those in New York - live it up! :)