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Thursday, November 11, 2004

Are we midway?

At 4pm CST, a nurse came to tell us that everything is going well and Greg is doing great. I asked her what that means and she said that the transplant team didn’t tell her any more than that. So, we aren't sure if they have gotten either of the two old lungs out or any of the new lungs in at this point. We do know that the first incision was made around 1pm CST and that his old lungs are wedged in their pretty well since he was on a ventilator for around 8 months back from November 2002 - July 2003.But we now have more blankets and pillows, as well as some washcloths and towels so it is the hotel UW-Madison for us. Our hope is that the transplant will be done around 9pm - 10pm tonight and an hour later, we will be able to see Greg. For now, we have to continue to sit and wait.We thank you for all the love, support, and prayers that we have received. Greg and I are definitely blessed for all of our friends and family - as we are blessed with these new lungs.Once Greg lets me take a picture, I will be sending it along. For now, he is peacefully sleeping while accepting his gift from God.