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Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Election Day

No, we aren't going to tell you who to vote for or why one candidate is better over another. What we are going to tell all Americans is: "Get out and vote!" Why? Because your one vote really does count. This election is going to be close and every vote is needed to ensure that the President of the United States of America is truly the person that Americans want and need in the office.Most people think their one vote doesn't count but do you realize how many people think that? Hmm - let's say 500,000 Americans believe that their vote doesn't count because they are one person and they choose not to vote in this election. Well, that is 500,000 votes, not just 1! Those votes could have made a huge impact on the election!So, why not let your voice be heard?? Get out an vote - and, of course, we pray that the person we vote for wins the election but it is up to the American people to decide - ALL American people!