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Thursday, November 11, 2004

It's a go!

Around 11am this morning, my wonderful husband was wheeled away for surgery. Let's not go into how long they made us wait in the pre-op area. (laugh) So, you may all rejoice for my husband is now receiving his double lung, life-saving, miracle of a transplant! They figure the transplant should last until some time in the middle of the night and then it will take around 24 hours for him to get off the vent. Of course, Greg being Greg, he will surprise them and get off the vent sooner but they always try to not give you false hope.So, we, his mother, father, and myself, are waiting in the family area - patiently as we can on only a couple of hours of sleep - for the someone to update us on the status of the transplant. As I get information, I will let you know. For now, it is in God's hands and we ask that everyone please pray for him and his continued strength through this wonderful but difficult miracle.God Bless!