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Wednesday, November 03, 2004

So what's next?

The president has been chosen and both the stock market and many people are very happy. What does this mean? Well, if you are to ask one of Greg's best friends, Steve, the world is going to hell because a Republican is in the White House for another 4 years. *laugh* If you ask Greg and I, it means that we continue to live our lives one day at a time and cherish every moment we have with loved ones. Although the election had its ups and downs, one thing remains clear - whichever candidate would have been elected, people would have still continued to live their lives and adjusted to whatever the government put in front of us.We are already used to our own roller coaster ride but find joy in the smallest of things. One of the smallest things in my life is a set of 4-year old twins - my baby brothers. A few weeks ago, my brother Richard was asking me if he could come to my house (which is 900 miles from him) and in the course of the conversation, he called me "aunt". I may be 26 years older than him but I am still his big sister - so, I decided I was going to be 4-years old again and argue back and forth on him. Sister-Aunt-Sister-Aunt-Sister - each time I changed my tone of voice and he changed his to match. With my final grunting of "Sister", his mother gets on the phone laughing. Sure, to all three of us, it was just a game... and a fun game at that. This was the smallest of pleasures in my life but is cherished nonetheless.So what is next? Enjoy life! Just as Richard and I did - as children only could!