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Monday, November 15, 2004


Thank you mother and father for the nifty cheekbones that cover my eyes when I smile big enough. Had it not been for these cheekbones, Greg would never know I am smiling behind my mask. Given my sarcastic humor, he would not be able to tell if I am joking or these cheekbones did not cover my eyes. (laugh)Greg had a bronch today and it seems that there was a good bit of mucus down in his lower right lung. This, again, is normal after such a big operation. So, they went down there and sucked it out. Unfortunately the sedation made Greg feel kind of like he had a hangover afterwards so he wasn't as vibrant in the late afternoon.His lowest pain rate of the day was "1" and the highest was "4" (out of a scale of 0-10, with 10 being worst). Ironically, he has no pain from the incision but it is from his chest tubes. Let's pray a couple of those come out tomorrow. He can walk with them in but moving around is quite painful. Fortunately, he has no shortness of breath or pain from breathing. Also, the miracle of the day is that is oxygen saturation is 100% when he is walking with 2L of oxygen. They may get him off the oxygen tomorrow but I will keep praying and see. Once step at a time - you have to crawl before you walk and walk before you run. Right? (smile)Greg and I want to take this opportunity to send a thank you to all our family and friends for your love, support, and prayers. God has truly been listening and miracles do happen. You just have to remember to keep the faith and God works in His times - which may not be the same as your time - but the wait is always well worth it!