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Monday, November 15, 2004

Nightly Progress Report

The nurse just gave me a nightly update report. Right now the doctor's are making their rounds so I wasn't able to get too specific of information. But, I was able to find out that Greg did well throughout the night and he sat up again from around 8pm - 9pm. They did give him a little something for the pain and he was able to sleep throughout the night.As of now, there are a couple of areas of his blood gases where he is a little higher than they would like. Primarily with how well his body is getting rid of the CO2. With being decreased from 6L of oxygen to 4L of oxygen, who knows what that means. His oxygen saturation is still in the high 90's (~98%) but again, that can mean anything from something being wrong to the clip on his finger that measures this rate not being on his finger fully (which tends to happen since he has clubbed fingers).This does not mean a set back as we knew it was going to be a steady process with peaks and valleys. Medications will continue to be adjusted to deal with these changes in his body and after 3 days of being in a bed, I am sure anyone's body would have a little difficulty with moving around again.I am sure that we will get more detailed reports this morning that I will be able to share with you later tonight. Unless the Blog goes down again, the update should be shortly after 9pm CST again. (smile)Please keep those prayers coming. Greg needs all the strength he can get.