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Friday, November 12, 2004

Overnight update

Wow! What a night! Around midnight, Greg was finally wheeled back up to the ICU and the surgeon came to speak with me. It seems that Greg was a lot sicker than we all realized. His right lung lobes were absessed and filled with puss. The blood vessels in his whole chest cavity had actually grown into the chest cavity itself in response to the lack of oxygen - the vessels were trying to get more oxygen from the lungs. He was truly at the end stage of his disease.So, shortly after, I got to see Greg for about 30 seconds. His color looks very good and the only problem he complained of was being cold - which they fixed with nice warm blankets. I also got to see pictures of the old and new lungs - at my request - all I can say is WOW! The old lungs looked like something out of a horror movie and the new lungs looked like something out of my college biology text. It was amazing!What happens now - well today they will try to get him in a chair or standing with the vent in and may trying to begin weaning him off the vent if his oxygen levels are good. If he cannot be weaned today, they will try again tomorrow. If not tomorrow, then they may have to wait 7 days because of a chemical that they put in his ventilation line to help his new lungs transport oxygen. So, prayers are welcome always and right now just know - it was an extremely difficult operation due to the extent of his disease but at no time did he ever become critical. What a true fighter!God Bless!