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Thursday, November 11, 2004

The second half

New update - at 6pm CST the nurse came and told us that the right lung was taken out and the new lung put in. Also, Greg was put on bypass in order to make sure his body gets all the oxygen it needs while taking out the old and putting in the new. We knew this was a possibility because when you think about it - Greg had 18% lung function total - take one lung away and you have 9% (theoretically) - a body cannot sustain itself on 9% lung function while all this is going on.So, not to worry - this is a good thing - we are more than half there and hopefully will hear something around 9pm to tell us he is on his way back to his room. I will try to get online to let everyone know when he is "whole" again and up in his room - stable. As for right now, he is in great condition and the transplant is going very well.Keep those prayers coming and please add the donor family to your prayers - they have given a gift that could never be repaid!