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Saturday, November 13, 2004

Disappearing Act

I arrived at the hospital nice and early to have front row view for the disappearing act but was sorely disappointed when the show was cancelled. What the heck am I talking about? Well, the vent never left Greg's room!! Okay, I am really not upset because I have learned that when a nurse tells you something, you don't invest a lot of emotion into what they tell you. It is when the surgeons speak that you should listen. So, when the nurses told me that the vent would most likely be pulled today, I was hopeful but didn't get too hopeful. Now, when I spoke to Dr. Zink today, after Greg's morning bronch, I knew the truth. (Dr. Zink is Greg's other surgeon)During our discussion with Dr. Zink, we were given a great picture of Greg's new airway for his lung that they took during his bronch. Believe it or not, this looks great - per Dr. Zink.We were also told that they want Greg to stay on the vent one more day because of the trauma his body suffered. So, tomorrow morning, per Dr. Zink, the vent will be pulled if Greg's bronch is as good and if he is able to maintain his oxygen levels while breathing through the vent on his own (a test). Please do not be discouraged - Greg was fully awake today for a while, sitting up, and watching the UW Badgers football game (which was a horrible loss for the team). He asked for a sedative tonight to sleep deeper and conserve his energy for tomorrow so we left the hospital early.Oh! My wonderful husband "told" me that I need to grow longer legs. It seems that he thinks me, being 5'5", will not be able to keep up to his walking pace after he is out of the hospital now. (laugh) When we first started to date, I used to threaten to break his knee caps because he was always walking too fast for me. That just goes to show you how good he is feeling - he already knows that I wont be able to keep up with him or his new lungs. What a class act he is! (laugh)Well, it is 8:30pm and I think I am going to head to bed early. I will send a post tomorrow morning - even if it is just to say that it was an uneventful night. God bless you all!