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Friday, November 12, 2004

Thumbs Up

Greg has given the "thumbs up" today to let me and everyone else know that things are going great. I am on cloud 9 right now. When I started dating Greg, he had around 60% lung function and now... now... now... his oxygen level is staying at 100%! The color under his fingernails is pink and the color of his skin is a color I have never seen on him. It is, well, the color of healthy people!His strength is great per the physical therapist, I have given him a full update on everything that has gone on, they are decreasing the drug to help him absorb oxygen (since he is doing it on his own) and when he is finally off that drug (which will be soon), the vent will be pull. From what everything looks, the vent can be pulled as early as this afternoon. Either way, vent or no vent, they will have him either sitting in a chair or standing up by the end of the day. Greg is eager to leave the bed and no matter how much they try to sedate him, he keeps waking up. (laugh) They are getting a kick out of this because he is "helpful" when he is awake and a "pleasure".Right now he is sleeping again and he has signaled to me (cause he can't talk and his eyes are closed) that I need to eat, get settled in the hotel next door, and take a shower. (laugh) Now isn't that the pot calling the kettle black? (laugh) He is defintely feeling good and is the same old Greg!Oh! By the way - some have asked if there is anything they can do to assist us in this time. Right now, prayers are welcome but otherwise, everything is going well. Thank you all for asking and I will pass on the room information once I get the okay from the doctors.Many hugs - from both of us!