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Sunday, November 14, 2004

Another restful night

Just got off the phone with ICU and Greg is doing wonderful. They have him off the nitrous oxide (sp?) again (that is the drug to help the lungs absorb oxygen) because he is making enough of his own. He requested sedatives about 3 times during the night to ensure that he rested his body enough for today, when the tube comes out. Of course, the vent coming off all depends on his bronch this morning (to be done around 8am CST), his arterial pressure, and his blood gas test results.Yesterday he was hysterical! At one time, he threw a "hissy" fit but throwing his arms and legs up in the air and dropping them back on the bed with a "thump". This was to tell the doctors something along the line of: "Come on now! Get this vent tube out of me. We all know the lungs are good - let's get the show on the road." (laugh) Some may be put off by this but not me. You have to remember that Greg has been sick for so long but if you took the nasal cannula off of his face (while he is sitting), he looked normal and healthy. He never listened to the numbers or how doctors told him years ago that he should be stuck in a bed with how low his numbers are. They are amazed at the strength in his limbs and how he moves himself all over the bed by himself, even with all the tubes and the vent. To me, that is just Greg. (smile)Oh! Also, when he had physical therapy the first day, the PT asked for Greg to push his leg out, against the guy's pushing back on it. Greg had so much strength that he push the guy straight across the room. Now how is that for strength?!? What a miracle!Lastly, we want to thank everyone once again. Family and friends have been so utterly supportive and we are so truly blessed. Please take our heartfelt thanks and continue to send us those prayers... and please include a prayer for the donor's family. They are truly heroes!