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Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Sleeping Beauty

Per the morning nurse, Greg had a very restful night. He was given two pain meds overnight but no sedatives and no problems. His magnesium is a little low but can be easily fixed. Otherwise, he is the same as I left him last night - just very well rested. For now, we will play role reversal and I will be the Knight in Shining Armor and he will be Sleeping Beauty. (smile)As for me, I am doing well. The bed at the hotel is nothing compared to our wonderful and soft bed at home but it is a far cry better than the couches or cots at the hospital. I have also started back to work as of early this morning. Luckily, I am able to work from anywhere and remotely connect to my computer in the office. Given my position as a CRM Systems Administrator, all my work is done via the computer so it is as if I never left the office. This allows me to put in my 8 hours a day from either the hotel or hospital, while attending to Greg and being by his side throughout this all. If I haven't used the word "blessed" enough, I will use it again here. (smile) I am truly blessed to have this opportunity available to me.Well, that is it for now. I will be sure to either send updates as they warrant throughout the day but I will send an update after 9pm CST tonight either way. Again, we cannot thank everyone enough - you all have been wonderful!God Bless!