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Wednesday, November 24, 2004

An addition to our collection

Walgreen's has become a second home to us. Wait! Make that a third home given that the hotel is actually our second home at this moment. As there was a small amount of inflammation in one of the bronchs, Dr. Love put Greg on yet another drug - Zithromax (250mg once a day for 7 days and then one every other day until he finished his bottle). So, I think that makes 15 drugs Greg is currently on and a few should dwindle in the next few months. But, again, we have been at Walgreen's a few times since we left the hospital . . . I am sure Walgreen's doesn't mind the extra revenue. (smile) Thank goodness for insurance!Shall I use the word "amazed" again? Greg walked around an entire mall, even after rehab, without getting tired once. Okay, his legs were a bit tired as they weren't used much for a week but his lungs and stamina were great! Heck, I was more tired than he was. Then, we went out to eat and you should have seen all the food he ate! Normally, I would get nervous but he was eating like his old self again . . . Except he was trying new foods. If you know Greg, he usually sticks to his "usuals", but today he even tried my Tiramisu! You don't understand - I have been trying to get him to try it for over 9 years now and he always turned his nose up to the idea! So, I guess you want to know what he thinks of it, eh? He likes it a lot! Go figure!Well it is time for me to get ready for bed. Greg has requested a date in the morning - just the two of us - all cozy together - on a couple of pieces of fitness equipment. (laugh) Ciao!