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Monday, November 22, 2004

Home away from home

Greg was released today from the shiny white prison! It took a long time, per usual, to try and get everything squared away at the hospital. The funny, but not so funny part, is that the nurses stated that they were told he was going to be released on Tuesday and not Monday. Normally I would believe them but this time I don't. You know why? Because both Greg and I, on numerous occasions, told them this as well. But, alas, we have left that place - at least until tomorrow morning. (laugh)Greg is totally off oxygen, is on 1 home IV treatment for the MRSA (1 week left), a number of pills, nubulizer (inhaler treatments), and diabetes control but it is all worth it. Actually, it sounds like a lot but if you really think about it, this is pretty much the way it was pre-transplant. Does this mean we are in the same situation? No way! Not by a long shot! His lung function has already doubled, he has no oxygen, he is able to breathe, and over time the number of medications and treatments he has to do will decrease. It will take a couple of months for us to get settled into our true regiment but for now, we are truly grateful! Yes, we aren't home, and yes, we have to go back to the hospital tomorrow (bronch), Wednesday (labs and rehab), Friday (rehab), and Monday (labs and clinic), but after that . . . Home we go!!!What is one more week? As long as we are out of the hospital, we are one step closer to freedom then we were before the transplant. What a miracle!