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Friday, November 19, 2004

Visitors from Beyond...

... the great white walls of the hospital are permitted. The men in their white coats are allowing Greg to have visitors at this time and in all honesty, Greg wouldn't mind the company. (smile) Seeing the same people day in and day out (including his wife) get boring after a while. Of course, visiting would only be during the weekend since people flood through his room during the weekdays to get him out of the hospital all together. You would need to wear gloves and a gown (hospital policy) when seeing Greg but as I have learned, you can get away without wearing a mask. (laugh) Anyway - how is Greg supposed to tell if you are smiling???We understand that it is a long trip for most people and are not expecting any other visitors, except his parents this weekend - but we thought we would put the invitation out there anyway. For those that would like to visit this weekend (hint, hint to a couple of you who know who you are *wink*), give me a call on my cell phone before coming so I can let Greg know. For those of you that are going to visit - wait to you see the color on this man! (laugh) I thought he was tanner when he came to the hospital but it turns out his whole complexion was actually dark due to the lack of oxygen in his body. It is totally amazing!Again, I would like to ask everyone to pray for the donor's family again. It was one week ago yesterday that they lost their loved one and gave the most precious gift of life to so many other individuals. They will forever be considered family and angels of God!