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Tuesday, November 16, 2004

One Down - Four to go

Guess who I just spoke with on the phone?? Greg! (big smile) I left the hospital around 5pm to take care of some things and put in my full 8 hours of work (remotely). So, I called the nurses station and they said his nurse was in the room and patched me through. To my surprise, Greg answered the phone! I don't know if you can see me smiling through the computer but does Cheshire cat ring a bell? (laugh)He said (in a very horse voice) that he is doing well and had a very long walk tonight, up and down the hallways. Also, great news! One of the 5 chest tubes is being pulled tonight. It is #3 and all we know is that it is not the middle tube (under the sternum) but on one of his sides. Yeah! (insert happy dance)Here is the most recent update on the day's events:
Was released from ICU into a VERY small room and after his wife complained, over and over again, they moved him to a much larger room - where you felt you could at least breathe (Room D4/422)
Oxygen saturation is remaining at around 100% when walking or moving around
Was able to do a mock exercise bike with ease - no coughing up a lung or turning blue like he used to - he was very amused by this
Greg keeps staring at his toes and fingertips in amazement - he just can't believe how pink they are - instead of the blue they have been for so many years
He is able to get in an out of bed with ease (once we get the chest tubes out of his way), able to shave himself with an electric razor, and able to use the restroom on his own - these may seem like small things but they are large considering all his body has been through
Only has 1 IV really for anti-biotics for the MRSA
Bronch with pulmonary guys may be scheduled for Monday so Greg can leave the hospital (if they can get Dr. Meyer's schedule free)
Training on the spirometer ( and first chapter on health and hygiene is scheduled for tomorrow (transplant training)
He has an appetite for ribs at the moment (woo hoo!) - his appetite is coming back
His voice is coming back again and he is learning to swallow better (after having the tube down there for a while, that happens)
Other than that - all is well in Madison. Today is my first official day back at work (remotely) and I am working on catching up on emails and tasks. I even got a load of laundry done tonight at the hotel and ate dinner for the first time in days. (smile) And yes, I am still on cloud 9! (wink) And I will be for another 50 years by my husband's side.