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Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Smile - Uninterrupted

The smile on Greg's face seems to be getter bigger by the way. Wait! Maybe it only SEEMED bigger because of the lack of an oxygen cannula on his face. Yes! That is right folks! As of 5pm today, Greg was taken fully off the oxygen. I can hear the heavenly angels singing in praise!And to add to that excitement - you get more! One of the 5 chest tubes was actually pulled this morning. One down and 5 to go.Wait! There's more - not only do you get this handy dandy dicer. . . (laugh - got carried away there for a moment). Drs. Love and Zink stopped by and they are planning on pulling a chest tube a day and the reason why Greg is in pain on his right side is not really the chest tubes but he has 3rd degree burns on the right side of his chest cavity as they had to cortorize (burn) all the blood vessels closed during the surgery - remember? His blood vessels were growing into his chest cavity and towards his lungs for oxygen.So, here are tonight's "stats":
No longer using oxygen and his oxygen saturation is around 96 when awake and 93 when sleeping. From what we were told, this will get better from here as the chest tubes are pulled and Greg gets his strength back.
Ann Marie (transplant coordinator) is planning discharge for THIS Monday or Tuesday to the hotel. Of course, we will still be going back and forth to the hospital for things for a few days afterwards but who cares!?!?
Had first transplant training session today and tomorrow we get the second half. Learning about when to wear the mask, staying healthy, hygiene, household maintenance, and umm.. Well... Married couple stuff (laugh)
Greg will be having a bronch tomorrow just to see how things are down there and get any yucky stuff up (normal procedure)
Tomorrow Greg gets to visit the rehab (exercise) room for the first time (all rehab has been done so far in his room)
Diet and nutrition will be discussed tomorrow since Greg has to maintain a low salt, low, fat, and low cholesterol diet (okay - that is going to be a hard one for Greg but we will get through it - with a little strong discipline)
Otherwise, the day went per normal. I stayed with Greg while he slept for the first time off the oxygen. He didn't need it but was telling the nurses to take it off tomorrow. As Greg said "It has been a lease for so many years - but also a lifeline as well." Made perfect sense - so I compromised and promised to watch his monitor while he slept. When he woke, I gave him a report and now he is comfortable to sleep tonight without oxygen. (smile)
Lastly, we again want to thank everyone. We have received balloons, cards, a get well basket, and a ton of well wishing emails. I hope you understand why I have not replied to any of these blessings... But wanted to let you know, just the same, that we thank you from the bottom of our hearts and you are truly a blessing in our lives.