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Sunday, November 21, 2004

This Morning

I woke this morning wondering how Greg slept. Yesterday, I spoke with Dr. Zink about how often the nurses come in to take Greg's vital signs and wake him each time. The poor man has not had much of a chance to sleep and with everything his body has gone through, his body needs the sleep in order to repair itself. Why don't the hospitals understand this concept?Dr. Zink understood all too well and put an order in Greg's file that Greg was not to be woken between the hours of 11pm and 5am for vitals. Well, 6 hours of undisturbed sleep is better than none, right? I just hope that 6 hours of sleep helped him finally rest so that today, when the final chest tube is removed and we start working his rehab a little harder, he will be more a willing participant.It is hard to watch your loved one go through this and not be able to take their pain away or make them well. I have learned over the years that both of those are God's job and mine is just to be there for Greg and facilitate anything that needs to be done. Yes, the nurses are nice but some of them you can just tell don't care for me very much. That is unfortunate for them since I think I am a very likeable person - just that when it comes to Greg, don't tread on us! (laugh)It is usually only those nurses that have had their own family members go through such difficult times in the hospital, when they learn what bedside manner is. We shall see how the day progresses but one thing is for sure, Greg will be out of that room quite frequently to build up his endurance and find some solace in escaping some of those nurses. (smile)