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Saturday, November 20, 2004


The last week has been a non-stop dreaming fest from which I normally would not want to wake. In these dreams, Greg and I are traveling across the country - without the leash formally known as oxygen. We sing, dance, laugh, and kiss until sunrise: without Greg getting out of breath once. In the past, I would wake from such dreams with a sense of longing and despair. Now, I wake from the dreams with anticipation and joy - for the dreams are coming closer each day to becoming a reality.How can I express what the last 3 1/2 years of our lives has been. Hospitals, pain, agony, medical equipment, medical refills, insurance claims, feeding my husband through a tube in his stomach, changing the inner lining of his trach tube and making him cough up yet another lung, Greg watching people be "normal" as he sits on the side and longs to play... how do I describe it? How do I describe the longing he has had to go back to work and get off of government disability?Now, today, because of the grace of God, we are able to dream again - and we are dreaming big! Although we have received many wonderful gifts, cards, and well wishes, there was one package we received yesterday that spoke to us. My aunt and uncle sent Greg a get well card. In the envelope, was a small Atlas - showing us that we are now free to travel without the boundaries of CF - that all boundaries that were once dividing us from truly "living" were broken down - that we can now explore the wondrous creations that God has put on this Earth that are more than 2 miles away from the hospital in Madison. It acts as a significant reminder that although we have a new way of living with these new lungs - the only restrictions that lay before us are those that we make for ourselves. Thank you!