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Sunday, November 21, 2004

Water does the body good

It is amazing to us how a hospital can give you a ton of drugs to make everything better but not supply you with drinking water after they cut off your IV fluids. Hmm. Well, it seems that this is exactly what happened to Greg and for the last couple of days, he has been getting more and more dehydrated. Last night he even asked his nurse to allow the IV to run a little longer after his antibiotics were done, with just sodium chloride. This was because he was sweating a great deal from this inflatable leg massagers and she told him "no - just take a few sips of water and you will be fine". Hmm. Since I get dehydrated easily, I witnessed my signs of dehydration in Greg and my mother-in-law gave him her unopened bottle of water. In an hour, Greg drank almost the entire 24 ounce bottle of water and within another hour, his face brightened up and he started to feel better. Hmm. What do we say to this type of illogical thinking from a nurse? Luckily, they didn't try to give him yet another pill to "fix" him.On the good side of the day - the last chest tube was pulled and between that and the water, oh, and the fact that I ran out to get him McDonald's (it was allowed), he was his old self again shortly after lunch! It was amazing how sick he looked in the morning, due to lack of water and lack of nutrition (cause we all know how nasty hospital food is), and how perky, bright, energetic, and fun-loving he was in the afternoon. Even more amazing is that now he is a little uncomfortable but not in any pain at all! Wow!We are still being told that tomorrow afternoon is Greg's discharge and to the hotel we go! It is amazing that only 10 days from his new lease on life began, he is being released from the hospital to start this new life. From a difficult surgery comes the ability to finally breathe easy. Thank you, Lord!