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Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Silver Lining

There has been so much of a silver lining surrounding us that I am awaiting the black cloud. Unfortunately, this way of looking at life was taught by my father and grandmother and it is difficult to unlearn. As I have said before, there is no need to worry and it is going to take a while to get Greg's medications just right for the long-haul. With that said, I shall share Greg's test results given today:
Greg road the exercise bike for 15 minutes in rehab today - just 12 days post-transplant and the hospital is happy, happy, happy.
Biopsy results are back from yesterday's bronch which shows "0" - which is NO rejection! (insert happy dance here)
Some of the results of this morning's labs are back - his white blood cell count (WBC) is a little higher than before he left the hospital (~16) and they are going to keep an eye on it. His kidneys are functioning great as well as the rest of the numbers. His magnesium is a little lower than they like but if they increase the magnesium, they will get more magnesium expelled from his body due to increase bowel movements.
All results are being shared with Dr. Biller (Greg's CF doctor in Milwaukee) as well as Dr. Love. If Dr. Love has any concerns, meds can be changed or Greg could have another lab workup on Friday, instead of us waiting until Monday. We will keep you posted.
On a side note - it seems that the public relations department from the hospital would like to write a news article about us and Greg's transplant. We are shocked! Ann Marie (our transplant coordinator) just needed our permission and they will be contacting us at home next week. Wow!
So, that is it for now as I am just finishing up some work, Greg's has a couple of meds to take, and then we are out the door to the mall. (big smile) Not sure if it is the memory cells in his new lungs but Greg has a shopping itch to scratch (he normally hates shopping) and I am not going to complain! (laugh)
If you ever catch yourself looking for that black cloud, you can easy miss the silver lining!