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Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Not fully awake

My body finally decided to let its guard down last night and for the first time, I was exhausted. After talking to Greg about it, we decided that my body finally let go of the adrenaline rush and with that, all my energy disappeared. Sleep? Yes, I did sleep but only vaguely, but nonetheless, I did sleep and so did Greg. We are both up this early because I have to put hours in at work and Greg is no longer comfortable in one position (on his back). Luckily, we both feel well rested to get ourselves ready for the bronch today. That is at 9am and they say that it will take 1 hour after the bronch before Greg can leave the hospital as the sedative has to wear off.I know this is not one of my fun loving and fully energetic posts but that will change with time. Now, we are at stage two of this new life and slowly getting used to living but not living. Why? Well, if we were allowed to go home, we could at least settle into our new lives in an environment that will foster us settling in. When you are in the hotel, everything is everywhere and by the time we settle in, it will be time to go home. (laugh) Figure! But, being as anal retentive as I am, I just wish we were home so we can stop living out of bags. (laugh)Again, we are not ungrateful at all and still feel that every second is worth the gift we were given!