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Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Bronch Results

Okay, I won't post the pictures they gave us from Greg's bronch today but everything went great. The lungs are pink and healthy, the stoma (connection site) is healing well, they went ahead and washed out any "muck" down there, and lastly, they took a biopsy. All of these things are either normal or positive so there is no alarming news to tell anyone. Just great news - by the grace of God, he is doing wonderfully!They also put him on a medication to protect his liver and decrease his Prednisone from 40mg a day to 25mg a day. The next week is filled with a flurry of things to do: Wednesday - Labs & Rehab, Friday - IV Treatment (done every two weeks, 6 times, to fight infection) & Rehab, Monday - Labs & Clinic, and then (can I get a drum roll please??) we get to go home straight from the clinic Monday afternoon! Patience my dear, patience! (laugh)As I sit here writing and listening to Greg snore . . . err . . . sleep-off the meds he was given for the bronch, I can't help but be amazed. I watch him sleep, his chest rising and falling steadily, and can't help but stare in amazement. It is just amazing how those lungs are his own but yet a gift from another human being. Those lungs were not given by God upon Greg's conception but, instead, a gift from God, given through another human being. How amazing how such a gift can change the lives of those that receive it . . . this, my friends . . . is just the beginning!