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Friday, November 26, 2004

Breakfast at Madison

There isn't much to tell, really. The night was uneventful and we truly miss our bed. We continue to repeat our new mantra: "Just a few more days." (laugh) Don't get me wrong, this hotel is very nice and comes with a great deal of amenities - it is just that it is not "home". We long for the comfort of our own home; where we are masters of our own domain.I do have to laugh though. Going home yesterday was an eye-opener. As we walked into the cold house (55 degrees), we noticed that we are highly under-decorated! The white walks screamed "hospital" and the echo that filled the air was nothing short of a voice confirming the reality of the house's lacking. Personal touches are definitely a necessity. For this is the home that we are starting our new lives in - the home which will grow with Greg's new lungs and our future.And what a future it will be! Granted, we are all in charge of plotting our course for the future but more just follow the current and hardly ever make waves of our own. Oh - wait - what is that? Do I see a ripple coming from Greg's direction? (wink)