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Thursday, November 25, 2004

Gobble, Gobble

Surprise, surprise, surprise! Greg and I went to Milwaukee (back home) to catch up on some things and also surprise Greg's family for Thanksgiving. Yes, I have been holding that secret for some time now but since Greg's family reads this blog, I could not let the cat out of the bag. (Even though the cat was trying to claw its way out and was hissing like a wild animal, alas, I could not - I gave my word to my love)Everything went well and although Greg's body is only 13 days post-transplant, he was able to tolerate the ride very well and enjoyed himself as well. It was great to be surrounded by family but, well, Greg and I felt at a loss at times. Don't get me wrong, we had a great time. It was just that it seemed that the family had shrunk. In the last year, Greg has lost two uncles and his grandmother was not well today. Yes, that is just 3 people but those 3 people were predominant in this family and I, for one, missed uncle Bud's laughter. I know that Mrs. Uncle Bud (Auntie Vicki) will read this post at some time and I do not mean to upset. It is not that we don't feel him around us because we know he is always with Greg - it is just that Greg had so wanted to share this with him - in person. But, had uncle Bud not been an angel, he could not always be around Greg; protecting him and guiding him.But I digress - the day was about giving thanks and as I have stated before, we have a great deal to be thankful for. Unfortunately, it usually takes something life threatening in order to make you more aware of what you already have. For us, we are not lacking any of the vital things in our lives - we have a roof over our heads, food in our home, health insurance through a great job, health, family, friends, and let us not forget: love, hope, faith, and a God who cherishes us . . . His children.Happy Thanksgiving and God Bless You All!