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Friday, November 26, 2004

My cow for a kingdom!

Okay, so we don't own a cow but since we are in Wisconsin, I thought it only fitting. (laugh) The kingdom though, well, that we have. Believe it or not, Greg and I are free! We called up the hospital and asked for permission to go home for the weekend and they actually granted our request! So, boys and girls, we are home!!! This is, indeed, our kingdom and had we had a cow, we would have gladly traded it for our kingdom! (laugh)It was around 3:30PM at the hotel when Greg and I noticed how extremely bored we were. Normally, we would be out and about shopping and exploring the town. Given that this is Thanksgiving weekend, umm, well, all the nuts were out driving and in the stores. With that, we started to look at what we could do this weekend and noticed that our time would have been spent mainly in the hotel. Argh! (laugh) Upon staring at the same wall for the 100th time, I looked at Greg and said: "Why don't we go home? We are both tired, can't sleep on this bed and couch anymore, and there is nothing to do in the city during this holiday weekend." We talked about it and called the transplant coordinator. Of course, we were given a list of things that we need to pay special attention to in order to denote rejection but since we have been very anal retentive in Greg's care for the last 2 years (since he almost passed with pneumonia Thanksgiving 2002), they felt comfortable with granting our request.So, here I am - sitting on my couch and Greg laying down on his couch (we have a sectional) - thanking God for every moment and thanking UW-Madison for everything they have done for us. Yes, we still have to hotel room through Monday but we kept it reserved just in case. Also, Greg needs the hotel room on Monday between the 7am labs, 9:30am rehab, and 2:20pm clinic appointments in order to do some meds, rest, and eat.Our way of looking at things is that it never hurts to ask - worse case, we will be told "no". We are highly thankful we asked - especially Greg, who has now fallen into a deep and restful sleep for the first time since his discharge on Monday - on HIS couch. (smile)