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Friday, November 26, 2004

Rainy Day

Although some may be put off by the rain, I have often seen the rain differently. The rain, to me, washes everything clean and makes a new beginning: it nourishes the Earth and provides substance for life. Needless to say, it is one rainy day in Madison, WI.With this new life Greg has been given, we still live each day in amazement. His lung functions are steadily increasing and his stamina is building. Yes, he is still in some pain at times and the staples/stitches are a bit restricting but Greg is able to do things each day that he could not do the prior day. For instance, today Greg sat on the couch here in our studio suite at the hotel. Just looking at the couch, you can see how uncomfortable it is but nonetheless, Greg was able to sit on it today and read the newspaper with little discomfort.I have to admit that I still watch his chest rise and fall as he sleeps and just stare in awe of the miracle. Even during rehab today, Greg did 20 minutes on the exercise bike and his oxygen saturation never went below 95%. This milestone has the hospital agreeing that Greg has met the criteria for full discharge. Does this mean that we get to go home today? Alas, no. It just means that he is way ahead of schedule once again and that it was worth the 3.5 years for these great lungs.Someone once said that everything is in God's time - it is just that our time and God's time just never seem to be the same. Well, just as God provides the rain to nourish the Earth, he provides that which his children need most - in Greg's case - a great set of lungs!In God, all things are possible!