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Saturday, November 27, 2004

Rainy day in Milwaukee

Yes, we left a rainy day in Madison and traded it for a rainy day in Milwaukee. And you know what??? It doesn't bother us one bit because we are HOME!!Even though Greg did not sleep as well as usual at home, he did sleep better than in the hotel. His massive amount of staples and 4 chest tube stitches do not allow the man to sleep in his normal position - on his side. So, his back has become sore and he wakes in the middle of the night, catching himself trying to turn on his side, but, alas, he cannot turn. At this time, he has now been able to find some solace on the couch and as long as he gets as much rest as possible, then his body will continue to heal. Had we stayed in the hotel, he would have been worse as there is no place of comfort there.As most know, people are better able to heal in an atmosphere in which they are most comfortable. We are happy that the hospital understood this as well or Greg may have been extremely sleep deprived come Monday morning. As long as we continue with his care at home; watch his incisions for any leaking, discoloration, or puss; take medications on schedules; do nebulized treatments on schedule; and perform his vitals and spirometry on schedule; his health will continue to rise.Now it is time for me to part as our cupboards are barren and as we all know, Greg NEEDS food. (laugh)