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Saturday, November 27, 2004

Simple Things

As the holidays roll around, we realize that it is the simple things in life that are the most important. Greg's holiday miracle proves how important life is and how unimportant material items are. With every breath Greg takes, I visualize the breath giving each of the cells in his body the oxygen that it needs in order to live and grow. I have already said how amazing the whole transplant experience is but, again, until you walk in another man's shoes, you will never truly understand. Granted, I would never want any of you to be in our shoes and need a transplant to begin with - I just hope that as the holidays come, so does the realization that material items such as new cars, big screen televisions, and jewelry are not so important.With that said, Greg and I hope and pray that everyone realizes the true meaning of the holiday and how important it is to celebrate it with their family and those they love. Yes, we have been blessed but our greatest blessing came from a family we have yet to meet - the donor and his family. They have illustrated the true meaning of the holidays - and we pray that everyone keeps this in mind - no matter how stressful the holidays make become.