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Friday, May 26, 2006

Freedom from Nebulizers

Finally - a much needed holiday! My mind has been swimming in a sea of thoughts and ideas for the last few weeks without being able to make much sense of it all. First and foremost, Greg had a scheduled loop pulmonary function test (PFT) just yesterday and did amazingly well on it. The transplant hospital needed to find out more specific lung function numbers in order to determine if he should have the stent in his right airway removed. From what he was told, a couple of his numbers were in the 100% + range, meaning that he has better lung function than most people who are healthy. We knew he was doing well but never thought he was doing this well. Needless to say, the results have been sent to the transplant hospital so that they can schedule his stent removal. Given that his original transplant surgeon will be moving away come July, they want to get him in as soon as possible to get the stent removed. Of course, Greg would feel a lot better if it is the original surgeon that removes it and so would I!

So, what does the stent removal mean? Well, it means that there is one less foreign object in his body to worry about causing an infection and such. It also means that the only inhaled medication that he is currently on can be stopped finally! Right now he is on Pulmozyme to keep things clear and healthy around that stent. Once that little bugger is out, there is no need for the medication anymore. That means Greg will be nebulizer free for the first time since he was 16 years old! You can see how happy that would make someone who has been tied to that machine twice a day for 16 years!

Otherwise, everything is going well on the health front which has allowed me more time to figure out what I want to do with my career and other goals that I have before me. Now for the hard part - sorting them all out. With health concerns on the back burner, it is nice to finally get a chance to focus on the goals of a normal life... Even if you aren't used to it.


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