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Sunday, November 28, 2004

He didn't think about it

Throughout this weekend, Greg and I have not only enjoyed our time at home and caught up on some chores, but we were able to spend a great deal of time together. Tonight, I looked at him and smiled. Of course, he smiled back but since I continued to look at him and smile, his next response was: "What?" I laughed and took his hand in mine."Have you ever thought about the new lungs?", I asked. He let out a small chuckle and said: "No, I don't think about it." Of course, me being the person I am, I continued to ask the same question in different ways. Finally, I answered for him. "You try not to think about the new lungs you have because it kind of feels strange to know the lungs you now have were in someone else a month ago." He gave me one of those "Greg looks" and I knew I hit the nail on the head.Let me explain why I asked. It is not because I am nosy or anything - it is just that God made me naturally inquisitive to understand how other people feel. I wanted to know what it was like - did he feel any different - had he ever thought about it - where was his mindset? Now, I have heard that some people become depressed thinking that someone died so that they can live and I knew already that wasn't even on Greg's mind. I guess, just as I have said before to other people, you never truly know what a person feels or goes through until you walk a mile in their shoes. Since that is impossible, I guess I can only sum up Greg's thoughts in those actions that took place this weekend.Yesterday, my wonderful husband turned to me in our kitchen and said "Watch!". He, in turn, made like a Choo-Choo train out one end of our kitchen and around to the other entrance to our kitchen. The smile on his face was larger than anything I had ever seen! Now, you are wondering what in the world this is all about. Well my friends, since we bought the house, Greg has never been able to come full circle around our kitchen for the oxygen tube would not allow it. Whatever way Greg came into the kitchen, he would need to go back out of because of his "oxygen lifeline". Now, he is free of it and can finally move AROUND his house without getting hung up on anything.To be a prisoner in your own home due to a 25 foot oxygen tube and to finally break free of that bond. There are no words to describe it! With that, my question no longer needs to be asked.