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Monday, November 29, 2004

Who wants news???

Didn't I tell you that we would have a lot to share tonight? (smile) Greg's words just a moment ago were: "We are both so exhausted." This is after a long day at the UW-Madison hospital for labs, rehab, and clinic. Here was our day and the outcome:7:00am - Blood labs - checking Tacrolimus and other drugs levels - Tacrolimus level is "9", which is a little low but Greg is on a very low dose so we are not worried - Creatinine (kidney functions) were a bit on the high side at "1.9" and again they are just going to keep an eye on it - White blood cell count is around "12.1" which is lower than last week at "13" so they are very happy - Everything else was fine.9:30am - Rehab - Greg did over 20 minutes on the exercise bike without breaking a sweat or going below a 95% oxygen saturation level (on room oxygen)!! Then he did some free weights but was limited because of his staples and stitches.2:20pm - Clinic - Greg is now 145lbs, his blood pressure/pulse/temperature are all good, the 6-minute walk went well with him doing over 1,200 feet in 6-minutes with his oxygen saturation staying at 95% (this is 200 more feet then he was able to do last week), and all medications are staying the same but have been moved around so instead of him doing meds 8 times a day - he is now doing them 4 times a day. Laslty - Greg got his staples and stitches finally removed!6:00pm - Picked up 17 30-day prescriptions for Greg while we are waiting for them to be filled by mail order pharmacy. (You should have seen the size of the box they put everything in!)Then, of course, there was the 2-hour drive there and another 2-hours back. So, needless to say, we are very tired. It has been a good day though because we were able to speak with the respiratory therapist about what we should expect on Greg's spirometry (lung function tests) from now and 6-months out. She said Greg is doing very well. Also, we met with Ann Marie (transplant coordinator) and Dr. Love (Greg's lung surgeon) who expressed how well Greg is doing as well. Greg is just over 2 weeks post transplant and at this point, there is no rejection and although we need to move some medications around to find the right "potion", it is well worth it! Oh! Greg's biopsy came back for cultures and we found that Greg has no signs of MRSA! (insert BIG happy dance here)Okay, I think that is enough of a novel tonight. Tomorrow I have taken a real vacation day from work to recuperate a little and find my "center" again. Don't worry though- I am sure there will be a post from me on here anyway. (wink)May health and happiness find you wherever you go!