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Friday, September 16, 2005

Another day - Another design

Yes, I have redesigned my website again and I am sure that I will tinker with it a little more this weekend. Why? What drives me to spend endless hours in front of this computer to work on my website? Is it obsessive-compulsive disorder? Do I not have a life? (laugh) Alas, I am not insane - it is my hobby. Just like people that spend time working on old cars or perfecting their golf swing, my hobby is to create digital art.

I know some people may laugh and in all honesty, I have no problem with that. You see, my husband will come in and out of our office throughout a day and remind me to eat when I am working on a website. He laughs quite often and I have to say that if he did not, I would think there were something wrong with him. (evil laugh) I, too, cannot believe how easily I can get caught up in computer graphics or web design. Me? The woman who built her first computer at the age of 7, but did not own a retail computer until 25? Yes, I did build my first computer because of a dominant gene I have - you see, my mother was a computer technician for Wang and Digital when I was younger. My love of art and my ease of working on computers does stem from her - although, ironically, she is best at computer hardware and me at computer software. For what one lacks, the other makes up for. (laugh)

Now, that does not mean that I am admitting to be anything like my mother. (looking shocked) I am a human being and for a daughter to state she is ANYTHING like her mother would be taboo... and we all know how I wouldn’t want to go against the main stream and make any ripples. (big laugh) I mean... well... any other daughters out there know exactly what I mean. :)


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