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Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Admist a Wintery Dream

May day off, of course, did not go as planned. What did I plan? Absolutely nothing! (smile) Given that Greg was just formally released from the hospital area yesterday, there was a lot to do.When an emergency hits, you never realize how much stuff is pushed aside. Yes, we were well prepared and via my laptop, I was still able to pay bills, work, and do other small daily chores. We also had wonderful family members that helped by taking in the mail and newspapers, watching the house, cleaning out our fridge, and they even went as far as to wash our leftover dishes! We can only imagine what it would have been like had we not had that help. For that we are grateful!Now, as for Greg and his daily progress. Well, today we drove to the CF clinic and had his port de-accessed. Between this and the staples/stitches being taken out, Greg can finally take a real shower tomorrow for the first time since the transplant. Now, I don't want to overlook the fact that Greg was a regular little celebrity at the clinic today. As a flurry of people came in to see him, their smiles bigger than every, you can only imagine what was going through their minds. A man, that some have known since he was 16 years old, who was very ill only 3 weeks ago (when they last saw him), was now in front of them and PINK! Greg's CF doctor, Dr. Biller, even popped in her head to get a quick meeting with him and even though she wore a mask (because she had a slight cold), you could not mistake the huge smile under her mask. She had been treating Greg since he was 16 and only 2 years ago she was unsure if he would live through his fight with a nasty pneumonia. As soon as she stepped in, I bounced in my chair and said "Look! His fingers and toes are pink!", while grabbing his hand to show her. It was as though I were showing off the brand new Strawberry Shortcake bike I had gotten for Christmas to a group of friends. (Okay, stop laughing! I did have a Strawberry Shortcake bike once and I am proud of it! *laugh*)Greg did get tired pretty fast today, but, after the weekend we had and the whole day yesterday, even I was tired - and I didn't go through a life-changing operation! But not to fret - Greg is doing well now and even though his progress now has slowed some, it has not stopped. As long as each day he is getting better and gets healthier, we will take it. Heck, with as long as we waited for this - as long as Greg continues to get healthier each day, we will strive on!