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Sunday, September 18, 2005

Day of rest

Sunday is supposed to be known as the "day of rest" or holy day (depending on what religion you are). Then why am I not resting? *laugh*

Yesterday, Greg and I ran around cleaning to get ready for the fall. This includes cleaning out the garage, putting things in dead storage, painting the outside trim, fixing the lawn, and so on. In order to get some things done, we have to bribe Dakota with her kiddie pool. Of course, it is not easy to get things done with a wet dog keeps coming over, wanting to play, while you are painting. *laugh* Let's just say it was an amusing and tiring day.

So, today is the "normal" chores and so the lack of rest. Poor Greg even had to go into the office today because we are off tomorrow to the transplant hospital for his regular check-up. You know, when you wake up at the crack of dawn to get to the hospital before the normal staff show up. Where you bounce all over the hospital, from one side to the other, to get labs, tests, bronchoscopy, medical consultation, etc. I am sure that you have no idea the enthusiasm we have for taking a day of vacation to spend it all day at a hospital. But, alas, this is the price one must pay for the gift of life and new lungs. It is for that reason that we don’t sulk about it but remember how going to the hospital one day every few months is nothing compared to all the medical equipment and lack of quality of life Greg had prior to the transplant. Lucky for me, they have the best chai tea out there - at least that is something to spur me on. *smile*

Other than that, there are no philosophical thoughts to be had today. (sorry to bore you *smile*) Trust me though; I have a ton of things to think about at the moment, and a ton to ponder through the blog. It just seems that my brain has decided that just because my body decides not to rest today doesn’t mean the brain has to give up a day of rest. It is as clear of its intent not to work today as if it were holding up a little "strike" sign and chanting a little song.


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