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Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Long Day - Cold Hospital

Yesterday was a very long day. We woke at 4:30am to get to the hospital in Madison by 7:00am and didn’t leave the hospital until 3:30pm. The two-hour trip there was interesting due to a severe thunderstorm that we drove through and on the way back, we were too tired to even stop at the half-way mark for our "normal" Culver's hamburgers. Needless to say, there was no energy left in even the tips of my fingers to type a blog entry.

Now, on to the news. Greg is doing wonderfully and all tests came back with great results. All the tests and procedures went smoothly - until the last appointment of the day - transplant clinic. You see Greg's tests/procedures ended around 11:30am and even though they had us down for a 4pm clinic appointment (which we protested), we were told by our transplant coordinator just to come in after the last test/procedure and they would squeeze us in right away. Clinic opened at 1pm and we were there with bells on at 12:50pm (after grabbing some quick hospital food). When did we finally get seen???? 3pm!!!

Yes, my friends. We waited over 2 hours to be seen and for what?? Nothing! They could have talked to us over the phone because they didn’t even do an exam in the clinic - everything had been done earlier that day! We were so exhausted and Greg's hepa filter mask - which he HAD to wear the entire time in the waiting area - was now embedded deeply into my husband's red face. The band marks did not remove their marks until almost 1 hour after he was finally able to take the mask off.

Am I angry? No. Anger had left me quite some time ago. Yesterday we were both filled with frustration. I would have had no problem if they would have said that the appointment had to stay at 4pm - we would have just rescheduled that part of his appointment. It was the sitting and waiting - upon false pretenses that bothers me. Call me anal retentive but if someone says they are going to do something; I expect them to come through on their end. I would rather someone not promise and surprise us rather than over promise and not deliver.

Can I get an "amen, sister"?? (smile)


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