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Thursday, September 22, 2005

Long Day

On a gloomy day in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, a tired woman sits down to her computer in order to write her daily blog entry. Her hands are tired from all of the work that she had already done this day and her eyes keep bouncing back and forth between the screen and the dark grey sky outside. Thoughts waver between philosophical thoughts and trying to decide what to make for dinner. It is as though she is stuck between the real world and that of cyberspace...

Actually it has just been a long and boring day so I thought an opening to a short story would sound better. (smile) Unfortunately, today has been quite a boring day of work, chores, and projects. My philosophical self is mentally asking for assistance from the non-logical self in order to write this blog - hence, the artistic opening. (smile) What shall I say today? There is so much to say and yet there is not... the weather is a boring topic, my creation of a cyber store to sell my puppy's pictures, is not something that you came here to read about. Now that I think about it, why did you come here? It is not that I mind all of the hits to my blog - not at all - just wondering what brings you back to my little world. It is my adventures in the medical field that keeps you on the edge of your seat? (laugh) Or maybe it is the frustration with the medical field that brings you back. A friend of mine wrote to say that it is the philosophical writing that keeps him returning - figures that is what a person with a master's in philosophy would say! (laugh)

Actually, I do have some insight to share. Yesterday, about this time, Greg emailed me and told me to get gas right away. It seems that Rita has everyone nervous about gas prices. Maybe it is just me but I don’t understand it - I mean - why do so many people care about the price of gas? It is just money! Don’t get me wrong, I am far from what society would deem "rich" but to me, wouldn’t it be the lives that are at steak with Rita? Wouldn’t life be worth more than the price of gas? This is not to put my husband down - he was looking out for our best interest. It is my observation of society and the order of their priority list.

I have given until I cannot give anymore. I give my donate my hair to Locks of Love whenever it is long enough, I donate blood often (because blood donate saved Greg's life), I am a team leader for the CF Foundation Walk, we actually give a certain percentage of our pre-tax income to charities, we donate food twice a year to food harvest, we donate to the Salvation Army, etc. This is not me being modest about my life but after all I try and give and how much my life has changed to support my husband through his "terminal" illness and transplant... I have respect for the lives of others. Unfortunately, it seems that the world is lacking in compassion. Sure, we have it here or there but most only give what is convenient to them... not what is in their hearts to give. Giving means doing without and unfortunately most do not understand this until they have to walk a mile in someone else's shoes or suffer a traumatic experience. It is sad that someone must suffer so that they must learn - and with Rita heading towards land, I pray that no lives are lost and that what is taken away can be rebuilt quickly - that suffering need not be in order for them to understand what is truly a priority in this world - life!


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